Thursday, November 3, 2011

Can't Believe It


I'll tell you about Italy later, it FLEW BY, I spent a lot of money, ate good food, and did a ton of homework, but now all those classes are done!

Then we went to Athens and visited the Acropolis; the Europe portion of our trip was tied up nicely, starting with seeing the sculpures from the Parthenon in the British Museum and then visiting the actual parthenon and seeing where they used to look out over the old city of Athens. We also sat on Mars Hill and read Acts 17:16--, the speech he gave on that very hill!
(What do you dress up as for halloween when you're in Greece and nobody else celebrates it?? Yeah. The hotel people were taken aback when we all showed up like this for dinner but they got over it and started snapping pictures.)

And now?

Guys. I'm in Jerusalem.

Last night we got on a plane from Athens to Tel Aviv, arrived at 12:30 AM, arrived to the wall around 2:15, all us girls dragged our suitcases up a huge hill, through a gap in the wall made by Kaiser Wilhelm so he could see his invasion (known as Jaffa Gate because it faces west towards Jaffa) and through the silent streets to our hotel.

Walking up the hill, by the wall with our bags at 2 in the morning!

We're here! This morning, when Alex and I turned on the TV in our hotel we found Emma with Arabic subtitles, and then it stopped and some guy started singing middle-eastern style and it said on the screen "Time for Prayer" in with a green and blue computer graphics background with arabic cursive swirling into view; this happened for about five minutes and then the movie started up again.

I can't believe we're here, 28 days left in the trip, we're in Israel.

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